Wednesday, October 21, 2009

latest happenings.

it seems lately that i have to remind myself of the things i am thankful for. sad? probably. realistic? most definitely. so starting a day out right (i worked night shift last night), here goes...

1. my Jesus...His love is constant, never-changing, and His forgiveness and grace are amazing and overwhelming.
2. ben. our love continues to grow and mature and i enjoy every moment we're blessed to spend together. sometimes i wonder how on earth i did life without him...he's certainly a gift.
3. Bible study girls. they are a breath of fresh air and i am so thankful God provided 7:45 on sunday evenings.
4. time with family. between ben's sister, cousin, and cousin's wife being here on friday to sunday and my parents staying here monday on their way back to indiana, the weekend was full of loved ones. i couldn't have asked for anything better.
5. stella. she loves ben and i unconditionally every day and more than most people, shows me Christ. silly? maybe, but besides that, she's hysterically quirky and entertaining. despite her bouts with lots of vomiting and diarrhea, we love her. (we figured out what it is though--bones! every time stella eats dog bones, here comes the good ol' v&d. sorry, stell! no more!)
6. today's sunshine. kentucky weather has been so dreary up until the last few's so good to feel the sun on your face.

i feel better already. it's amazing how sitting back and focusing on all the things in life i have to be thankful for changes my perspective immensely. i won't lie--things have been really discouraging and hard at work these past few weeks. i made the transition to night shift and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. pacu is crazy at night and there simply aren't enough hands. i'm dreading coming off orientation next week...but i have to believe God will provide. ben has been my biggest encourager, reminding me where to keep my focus and to have some confidence, but i'm weak a lot. i cry before i have to go in, i cry when i leave, i cry when i'm at home just thinking about having to go back. sometimes i wonder if i have what it takes, so i guess we'll just have to wait and see...but if you're reading, please be praying. i need strength that is far beyond my human capability right now.

well, it's time to return some phone calls and do the good ol' dishes. hope you all have a blessed day!

here are just a few pictures from our fun weekend! the first was taken at the henry clay estate here in lexington and the second was taken at keeneland--the horse racing park. ben and i stopped to watch a few on sunday afternoon!