Thursday, June 5, 2014

Guess I won't be homeless after all... :)

Ben and I officially decided to walk away from the house we were planning to renovate. The shenanigans were no longer worth it. So the desperate search for a home to move into by the end of June began...every time we liked a house enough to place an offer, it was gone in 24-48 hours. Things started to look bleak this past week. Then came a house not even a mile from here. I saw the listing go up a few weeks ago, but didn't even entertain the possibility of going to see it because it was out of our price range. But when our realtor contacted us to go, I didn't say no...and I'm so glad I didn't. We offered our best and when they came back with a counter, we refused to budge. It was hard, but we knew if the Lord intended for us to have that home, He would make a way. They ended up accepting!!! It's on almost half an acre in a quiet little subdivision, a corner lot on a cul-de-sac. It's exactly the place I envision starting a family. Can't wait to close June 30th and start making it our home!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I should be writing my grad paper that's due in t-47 hours and counting. Honestly, the only time I really log on to Blogger is when I have my laptop and I'm procrastinating. It's usually late, hubs is in bed, and I have time to peruse the Internet at my leisure with no one to tell me that I should be sleeping ;) Who cares if I have physical therapy at 7:45 in the morning? And work tomorrow evening? And still have to write my grad paper before all that happens? Ha. Night shift has prepared me well for little sleep...and a totally whacked out sleeping schedule, but that's beside the point.

So you know that last post about not having a house? We got an accepted offer on a bank-owned home here in Carmel a week later. The thing is, we still haven't closed. It's been pushed back twice now with no end in sight, so Ben and I have started looking elsewhere. We've found a few homes we like and are going to see one later today (We looked at four on Saturday!). We have to make a decision within the next few days if we don't want to be homeless at the end of June!!! So big prayers for that. Otherwise I'm sure we have a few friends that might let us borrow a bedroom for a week or so :)

SUMMER IS HERE! I couldn't be happier. I got in my swimsuit for the first time this year and let the sun give me a little burn :) I had to read for school, but it was glorious because I got to do it by the pool. Anything in life is better in the sunshine by the pool. It really is amazing how much better my mood gets when it's warm outside. If it weren't for my family, I'd be long gone from Indiana by now!

"I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are" continues to be fitting. I love people. I love when I get to be a part of their lives, to walk beside them through all of life's circumstances. But as much joy as it can bring, walking with people can be painful too. I'm so thankful God designed us to be in community though, to carry one another's burdens. I grow so much and get to praise God for answered prayers more often. It doesn't seem fair many times, what people have to go through, but I'm thankful that I know who He is and can trust Him.

Monday, March 3, 2014

"I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are."

Is it acceptable to blog after not writing for a few years? I honestly thought about starting a new one, but my absenteeism from blogging is a result of my life: busy! For a while I just couldn't write anymore because everything was sad. But thankfully, everything is not so sad anymore and my life is just SO full.
Grad school, new job...every day off in the past month has had something assigned to it: babysit Lainey, volunteer at church, take my mom to surgery, baby shower, life group, etc. etc. etc. I'm ready for things to start slowing dooooooowwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn. Even before leaving to go to the Pacers game on our recent date night, it felt like a chore because I was thinking in my head, "My one free evening to just sit on the couch and do nothing!!!" I am so glad we went and we had a great time, but as I was getting ready, I was not enthused. They're all great things, I'm just wearing down. Even right now I should be scrambling to finish my grad school assignment for tomorrow, but I just can't do it. I want to sit here on the couch and blog and watch Bones on Netflix. I am officially unmotivated.
Life at 27 seems complicated at times. I find myself comparing my life to where I think I should be at this point and I come up disappointed. I don't have a house or a baby. Yep, that's basically it. Everyone around me has a house and a baby and it makes me feel like I should have one too. I mean, I definitely want a house and a baby, but lately I've had to show myself some grace and realize that everyone moves at different speeds...that my life is in the Lord's hands and His timing is perfect. I find myself saying, "I don't know what You're doing, but I know who You are." Recognizing His sovereignty in my life has given me a lot of freedom. I don't have to have it figured out, I don't have to live by others' expectations for me or even what I think their expectations might be. God is working and I am growing and that is the measure of a good life.