Wednesday, March 12, 2008

today was hard...and beautiful.

i'm finally figuring out what i want in life. er, i guess it's more that i'm learning to be true to myself and am attempting to stop making decisions based upon what everyone else wants for me. today i had to put it in practice and to be honest, it wasn't a whole lot of fun. i was emotional all day long. it's 12:45 am, i'm still thinking about it, fighting feelings of false guilt, and have to begin studying for my med/surg. test that i have at 10 am. fun fun fun. other things were just more important today. obviously. i can elaborate more later, but i feel at peace with my life right now. i have some really difficult conversations and decisions coming up in the next few weeks, but my God has given me strength thus far. He shall continue...

three beautiful things:
1. learning how to be confrontational
2. seeking Truth
3. having an amazing roommate that i can be totally and utterly, shockingly and terrifyingly honest with. susan is one amazing chica.